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Pre-Bed Snacks, Desserts & Beverages to Support Healthy Sleep in Children Recipe eBook

Pre-Bed Snacks, Desserts & Beverages to Support Healthy Sleep in Children Recipe eBook

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A beautifully illustrated ebook with 10 simple pre-bed food ideas and recipes to support a healthy sleep in children, along with herbal tea recommendations.

My aim is to help you feed your family healthy yet simple and quick pre-bed snacks, desserts and beverages that nourish sleep. You won’t find recipes that demand long hours in the kitchen. Some recipes only need cutting and putting pieces together. Yet all the recipes, no matter how simple, are packed with nutrients proven to support a healthy sleep.

Please note, upon purchase you will receive your recipe ebook as a downloadable PDF document. This is not a physical product.


In the ebook you will find:

Five bedtime snack recipes
Salmon Balls
Banana Balls
Banana Bites
Monster Teeth
Mini Banana Muffins

Five dozy dessert reciopes
Restful Panna Cotta
Kiwi Pops
Cherry Chia Pudding
Cherry Muslei Popsicle
Milk Kefir Icy Bites

Three sleepy beverage recipes plus a list of top sleepy teas for children and drinking tips
Tea Jellies
Lavender Latte
Banana Tea

An overview of the hero sleepy ingredients

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