To make a booking please click the Book Now button below and select the service you wish to book.
Please note all clients seeking support for infant sleep will be asked to complete a form prior to the appointment agreeing to safe sleeping practices. Red Nose Australia’s Safe 6 key steps to reduce the risk of SIDS are:
a. Always place baby on their back to sleep
b. Keep babies face and head uncovered
c. Keep baby smoke free before and after birth
d. Safe sleeping environment night and day
e. Sleep baby in a safe cot in parents’ room for the first 6-12 months
f. Breastfeed baby, if able to.
These steps are outlined in the Safe Sleeping Guide for Parents which should be downloaded and read prior to the appointment.
If co-sleeping, Red Nose Australia’s Safer Co-Sleeping Guide for Parents should be downloaded and read.
Make a booking.
I have a range of appointment options available. For information on the different appointments available please view here. All appointments are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10) unless you select your time when booking. If you don’t see a time that works for you please contact me and I’ll do my best to accommodate. Thanks!